29 May 2013

Turning Babyish Again

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

In the last few months, it's been quite funny watching our 2 year old, Hannah, react to having a younger sister. Hannah can walk and she is learning to talk. But as a result of being around Esther, she will often crawl around the floor! She also likes to make 'ga ga' noises instead of trying new words. Hannah used to always lie still while I changed her nappy. But now, since she's seen how wriggly Esther is, she sometimes decides to try rolling over while I'm changing her.

Hannah is older and knows better, yet she likes to be babyish so she will be like Esther.

Esther is still a baby, so I don't expect her to walk and talk already. But I do expect Hannah to because she can!

There is a good life lesson we can learn from this.

Like Hannah,we so easily start acting or talking like the people we are around because we don't want to be different. And even though we know better because of our background or what we have been taught, we will act in a way we know is not good.

For example, if I am around someone who talks negatively about their children a lot, the next minute I find myself talking negatively about mine too. Instead, because I know that children are a blessing, I should be talking positively and maybe they'll learn from me.

If you are from a Christian home or have some Christian background, you know better than a lot of other young people. Not because you are any better than them, but because you've been privileged to learn more in that way. But when you are around others who aren’t Christian or who haven't been taught like you have, how do you act? Do you talk a certain way so that you sound like them? Do you act how you usually wouldn’t because you want them to like you?

The next time you catch yourself copying people, remember the story of Esther and Hannah. Instead of turning 'babyish' again, set an example of how to act and talk right. Who knows? Maybe they'll be the ones to change!

Also, be careful who your closest friends are. We can't live in a bubble so no one influences us in the wrong way, but we can choose to have close friends who will have a positive influence on us.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Proberbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

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