28 December 2013

Her Character

Lessons from Potipher's Wife
Potipher's wife was like a garden overgrown with ugly weeds. So much bad character! Take a look and ask God to search you and see if these weeds are growing in your life.

She was unfaithful to her husband. She's impure and immoral--an adulterer. You may not be married yet, but you still need to be faithful to the man God has for you one day. Stay pure and keep your heart for your future husband. It all starts in our mind, so ask God to keep your thoughts pure. Because "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." This woman's actions were a result of the way she thought.

What a thing to ask Joseph! And yet, I can't see any shame at all. One definition for shame is A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. But this woman was daring and blushed at nothing. She had no fear of God. That describes a lot of young girls today--no shame--the way they talk, the way they dress and the way they act. 
Hold on to your shame. It's a valuable thing.

3)A Nag
Talk about stubborn and persistent! Poor Joseph had no break. She was like a dripping tap. When it comes to praying, it can be a good thing. The Bible teaches us to be persistent in prayer. But when it comes to our relationships with other people, it's a sure way to make others sick of you!

It's all about her. She had an "I" problem--Me first! She didn't care about Joseph. She cared so much about herself and so little about others. Does that describe you? If you are self-centered, you are off-centered.

Have you ever thought about why people flirt?? The only reasons I can think of is to draw attention to themselves, so people will like them. Be modest and attract guys with your kindness and good character rather than with flirtatious ways. 

She had no manners at all. She was demanding and commanding. It's all "Do this, Do that." No pleases, no thankyous just 'give me, give me.' People like this are not pleasant to be around! Do you have good manners?  

7)Subtle of heart
She was very clever in trying to get what she wanted and in covering up her sin. She used her God-given brains for the wrong purpose. She pretended to be what she was not. Be sincere and pure, not subtle.

Malicious means to hurt someone on purpose.
Joseph wouldn't do what she wanted so she tried to pay him back. She was cruel and uncaring. Have you ever hurt someone on purpose? With your words and actions? Do you hurt people when they don't do what you want? Be forgiving and let God deal with them if they have hurt you. Be tender-hearted.

9)A Liar
To cover her up her sin, she lied. That's often the way it works with sin. Are you honest and truthful even when it costs you something?

As I did this study, I noticed something. All these 'sins' have something in common. 
Think about it...
      Why was Potipher's wife unfaithful?
      Why was she shameless?
      Why was she a nag?
      Why was she self-centered?
      Why was she flirtatious?
      Why was she demanding?
      Why was she subtle of heart?
      Why was she malicious?
      Why was she a liar?
As far as I can see, it was because of her selfishness. She loved herself above God and above anyone else. "I" is the center of sIn.

Do you want your character to be like an garden full of weeds or like a beautiful flower garden?

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