22 June 2014


(Lessons from Potiphar's Wife)
Read Genesis 39:13-18
This woman's 'love' turned to utter hatred and maliciousness in an instance. How can that be? Such a drastic change!
Her 'love' was sinful and completely selfish. She didn't really care about Joseph--she just cared about herself. That's what the whole issue was about--herself.
Real love is not just a feeling.
 Love is a choice.
Love is an action.
 Love is 'what can I give to you' not 'what will you give to me.'
According to 1 Corinthians 13 Potiphar's wife didn't 'love' Joseph. Not at all! What she felt for Joseph was lust not love. Because love "is kind, envieth not, vaunteth not itself...Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own,..."
Lust is a strong desire for something.
Pray for God to give you a husband that will truly love you. So many guys 'lust' but don't know a thing about love.  Lust doesn't last very long but love endureth all things and never faileth. You don't want a guy who only loves you because of your looks or your body. You want someone who will still love you when you're in a rest home!
But enough about the guys! What about you? When I read and study this chapter about love, I realize how much I am lacking!
Ask God to teach you how to truly love. The closer you grow to God, the more you will love. Because God is love!

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