3 January 2016

A Challenge for 2016

This simple verse could make a huge difference to your life this year if you apply it! I challenge you to make it your motto and see what God does in your life.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6
In all thy ways
In all the decisions you make, big or small. Relationships, Jobs, Career, Choices, Time,etc.
Acknowledge him
This means, Ask God for wisdom. Before you do something, stop and ask God for advice. That takes humility! You have to admit that you don't know everything and you need help.
And he shall direct thy paths.
God will show you the right thing to do.  It's a promise! If you humbly ask God for help, he'll show you what to do. You won't hear a voice, but God will show you somehow. Maybe through the Bible, maybe through a sermon at church, maybe through a friend or your parents or maybe just through an idea. But you must be willing to accept the answer God gives. It might not be what you want or are expecting and you might have to wait awhile until God does answer. I can promise you from experience, God will answer.
I was reminded of this verse last night, so I put it into practice. I had some spare time after the children were in bed and I wasn't sure what to do. At the moment I am trying to catch up on scrapbooking photos. I am a few years behind! So I was thinking of doing that. But I also thought that maybe I should use the time to do some Bible study, since that is really more important. So I stopped and asked God how I should use my time. God answered through an idea. Why not do both? I realized I could listen to a sermon on what I was studying and scrapbook while I listened. I got my scrapbook finished and I learned a few new lessons from Mary and Martha!
This verse applies to relationships. Think of how many bad relationships could be avoided if girls would just stop and ask God for wisdom first. When my husband came along, I didn't like him and he didn't fit into my plans at all. But I took the advice in this verse and asked God to show me what His will was. It turned out he was the right one! God knew better than me. I'm not sure what would have happened if I hadn't prayed about it. Ask God to bring the right person along at the right time and trust Him to do it. Before starting a relationship, pray. God knows who the right person for you is. God knows what each guy is really like and what his intentions are. This simple advice could save you a broken heart!
This verse really applies to everything. But it only works if you apply it!

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