22 February 2016

Putting People Down

(Lessons from Martha)
"...my sister has left me to serve alone?..."
Martha put Mary down in front of Jesus in order to lift herself up. She made Mary look bad and made herself look good.
Have you ever done that?
I know I've done it many times!
When you focus on and talk about other people's faults, it makes you feel better. But...you are not perfect either!
Remember the story of the 2 men who went to the temple to pray?
The Pharisee prayed and thanked God that he wasn't like the other man, a publican. He put the publican down and brought himself up.
But the publican begged God to have mercy on him a sinner. 
 It was the publican's prayer that God listened to.

Gossiping is putting people down.

Even if you don't put people down in your words, do you criticize them in your thoughts? That's where it all starts.

The Bible is like a mirror. The more you study it, the more you see your own faults, instead of everybody elses. You'll realize that YOU are far from perfect.

The next time you are about to criticize somebody and put them down with your words, stop and think "Am I just trying to make myself look good? Am I perfect? Is what I'm going to say kind?"
When you're pulling someone down in your thoughts, stop and start counting their good qualities.

Don't put people down.

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