17 July 2016

Angry at God?

Are you angry at God? Has something happened in your life to make you question God's love for you? Lots of troubles in life are a result of our bad choices and we only have ourselves to blame, but there are other things that just happen--like health problems, car accidents that aren't our fault or someone else's fault, natural disasters etc. 
I think about this twice a day at the moment. My baby has a clot in her leg which she managed to get last time she was in hospital. Since coming home from the hospital, I've had to learn how to inject blood thinner into her leg twice a day to help get rid of the clot. Although my baby doesn't feel the needle itself, it stings. It stings enough to make her cry even when she is in a deep sleep. It also leaves ugly bruises on her legs. I hate doing it. Sometimes it even makes me cry because I hate to hurt her. I feel mean and I know she doesn't understand why Mummy is hurting her. But I have to do it because she needs it to get better. Every time I say, "I know, Lydia. I'm sorry, but I have to do it." I hope she doesn't get angry with me, because I have to do it because I love her.
This makes me think how painful things happen in our lives sometimes. They hurt and make us cry. If we believe in God, its easy to say, "God, why? Why is this happening? Don't you love me? Why didn't you prevent this? Why did you let this person I love die? Why do I have these health problems? Why did this horrible thing happen?? etc."
We easily get bitter and angry at God.
But God is the great Doctor. He knows what we need. He hates to see us hurt. He loves us far more than the tenderest mother loves her child. I'm not saying God sends you your troubles. But He is in control and He will allow things that will change you into what you need to be. Trials are like medicines, operations and painful injections that will help us to become what we should be.
We can become bitter and angry at God. Or we can trust God that He loves us and will only allow hurtful things if they have a good purpose. Then we can experience the comfort and peace that God gives-- the presence of God. And we can be changed for good.
You may not understand the reason why, but you can trust that "All things work together for good to them that love God..." Romans 8:28

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