6 March 2017

No Regrets

Last night when everyone in my house was asleep, I was looking through some old journals from when I was in my late teens. I mostly wrote down verses and other things I read in devotionals books that I found helpful.
Reading through these journals, I couldn't help but be happy that I have no regrets from my teen years. Sure, I did dumb things sometimes and I was far from perfect, but in general, I have no regrets. I had a real relationship with God, I read the Bible and prayed for myself and I used my talents to serve God and reach out to others. I am not boasting. I could easily have ruined my life. I really don't know how I would have turned out if I had grown up in another family or in different circumstances. 
But the point is, are you living your life in a way that you will regret?
Are you wasting your teen years? Or are you making the most of them?
Do you flit from boy to boy with no purpose? Or are you praying for wisdom to know God's choice for you when he comes?
Do you read the Bible for yourself? Do you communicate with God yourself?
Are you taking every opportunity to serve God?
One day you will look back on your teen years. Will you be happy like I am, or will you think, What a waste
I know you can't change what you have already done. But you can change what you are doing right now. You can change your future.
Live your life with no regrets.
I would like to share some of the notes from my journals with you over the next few weeks.
This is one of the quotes...

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