14 October 2018

Too Hard

Do you ever feel like something is too hard for you?
Something you know you are supposed to do, and yet you think you just can't do it?
Maybe it's forgiving someone who has badly hurt you.
Maybe it's respecting and honoring your parents when you feel that they are wrong.
Maybe it's being a kind and patient sister to difficult siblings.
Or maybe it's something different like starting a new job,
using your talents for God, or helping with a ministry.
Or maybe it's just surviving through a difficult time.
God called Moses to take the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses was completely overwhelmed and felt he couldn't possibly do it. If you read Exodus 3 and 4, you will read all the objections Moses had.
But you know, it's good to feel like you can't do something!
It's not good to complain and say, "I can't do it."
But it's good to know that you are not strong enough to do it and that you need God's help.
Whatever God wants you to do, with His help you can do it.
So what will you do when you know you should do something and yet you feel completely inadequate or that you can't do it?
Will you say, "I can't do that. I'm not good enough."
Or will you pray to God to help you and depend on His strength and help?
Feeling inadequate is not a reason to not do something. But it's a very good reason to depend on God!
If life was never too hard for you, you would never learn to depend on God and experience His help.

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