1 July 2020

The Too Hard Basket

This morning I was praying about something. But it was one of those things that I didn't know quite how to pray about. It  was something from my too hard basket. Some things seem too overwhelming, too big or too impossible. Sometimes I don't even pray about these things because I don't know what to pray. But this morning I thought, 'Nothing is in the too hard basket for God. Wait a minute! God doesn't even have a too hard basket.'
Jeremiah 32:17 says "There is nothing too hard for thee."
Verse 27 says "Is there anything too hard for me?"
Then the next chapter says "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3
Although our unconfessed sin or  unbelief may hinder God from answering us, there is no prayer request that is too hard for Him. Even when we don't know the words to pray, we can still give God the situation and pray that His will would be done. Even when our prayer request seems impossible, we can remember that the One we are praying to is the One who created the whole world from nothing! We can ask in faith, believing that He will do what's best. Although it's too hard for us, it's never too hard for God. That is reason to rejoice!

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