9 January 2021

If You Wait until You can do it Perfectly...

Last week I started mowing our lawns. My 6 year old son asked if he could help. I let him, thinking he'd get tired of it pretty quick as we have large lawns. But he surprised and impressed me! He kept on going until he had done at least half of them.
He didn't do a perfect job. I had to go over places he had missed and I finished up around the edges. But he did his best and he did a good job. He didn't wait until he was able to do it perfectly. He'll get better by doing it.
Sometimes the only way we learn how to do things is by doing them! If we wait until we know how to do them, it never happens. But if we just start and do what we can do, we figure it out by experience along the way.
Before I started this blog, I didn't know how to start a blog. A friend later said to me "I wouldn't have a clue how to start a blog." I thought, 'I didn't know either. You just google 'how to start a blog' and follow the instructions step by step!'
Is there something you believe God wants you to do but you don't know how? Don't wait until you can do it perfectly. Try taking the first step!


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