1 July 2014

Don't ignore the signs!!

A tourist was driving down a desert road and came upon a sign that read, ROAD CLOSED. DO NOT ENTER. He thought the road looked passable, so he ignored the sign and continued driving down the road.
A mile later, he came to a bridge that was out. He turned around and drove back in the direction he came from. As he approached the warning sign, he read on the other side: WELCOME BACK. TOLD YOU SO!

I read this story in a jokebook! But isn't it so like us? We tend to ignore warnings and think we know what's best. Then somewhere along the line we realize that the warning was right after all and we wish we had listened.
God's Word is full of warnings! Do we listen to them or do we ignore them?
Parents give us warnings! Do we just think we know better?
Remember this story next time you are given a warning.
Be wise and listen!

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