29 September 2014

To find or to be?

A man was in court for some crime he had committed. He explained to the judge, “I think I just got in with the wrong crowd.”
The judge replied, "Did it ever occur to you that you may be the wrong crowd?”
It's good thing to look for good friends. It's a Biblical principle to find friends who'll be a good influence on you.
Proverbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
1Corinthians 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

But have you ever thought about whether you are a good friend? Are you a good influence on others? If someone is looking for a friend who will encourage them to live right and walk with God, could they choose you?
You may think that others aren't friendly to you, but are you friendly to them?
The same principle applies to finding a husband.
Do you have a list of what you want your husband to be? Do you want him to be kind, unselfish, hardworking, godly, etc. Well, if you found a guy like that, would he want to marry you?
If you are lazy, would a hardworking guy want to marry you?
If you are selfish, would a kind unselfish guy want to marry you?
If you don't love God yourself, why would a godly man be attracted to you?

So learn to be the kind of friend you want to have, and learn to be the type of person you want your future husband to be!

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