11 December 2014

14 Lessons from Candles

1) A candle gives light.
It brightens up a dark place. It helps you to see and it drives away darkness.
This world is a dark sinful place and you are to give God's light to those around you.

2) A candle needs a wick.
Without a wick a candle doesn't have much purpose. It may look nice and make a pretty decoration, but it won't fulfill the purpose that it was made for. And so without God, your life is without real purpose. Without God, you won't be what God created you to be.
3) The wick must be in the center.
God needs to be the center of your life. Not an accessory that you wear on Sundays. Your life needs to revolve around Him instead of revolving around yourself.

4) A candle's life has a span.
Once the wick is burned, its time is up.
You don't know what length the candle of your life is. So you must make the most of your time, and most importantly always be prepared to meet your Maker.

5) Candles are all different, but they all have the same purpose—to give light.
Christians are all different—different talents, personalities, backgrounds, opportunities, cultures etc.but we all have the same purpose—to shine for God.

6) If a candle smells good, it is more attractive.
As a Christian you should give Christianity a good name by your actions and words. Many people are put off Christians because of bad experiences--Christians that are bad-smelling! Fruits of the Spirit are good smells—love, joy, peace, longsuffering etc.

7) Candles need trimming.
If you don't trim the wick of your candle, ugly burned pieces fall into the wax.
And so there are many ugly spots in our lives that need changing. God allows hard times in our lives to smooth off our rough edges.

8) You don't light candles to hide them.
Are you ashamed of your faith in Christ? Are you hiding your light instead of shining it?

9) The darker the night, the greater the light.
These days if you live by Biblical principles, you straight away stand out.  Many 'Christian' people today live far worse than a lot of nonChristians lived a while back.
This dark world needs Christians who shine their light brightly and are different from the world.

10) A candle gives the most light right where it is.
It all starts at home. Sometimes home is the hardest place to be a light, because that's where our patience is tested the most.
The light that shines the furtherest shines the brightest at home.
What you are at home is what you are.
Are you a bright light as a daughter and sister?

11) For a candle to burn it must cost the candle something.
It must sacrifice itself to fulfill it's purpose.
If you are a light to the world, you must give of yourself--your talents, time, money, love etc.
Serving God always means sacrifice.

12) A candle is silent
The Bible says, Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 
Actions speak louder than words. Words don't mean much unless your life backs them up.

13) A candle draws you in a direction.
If you are shining for God, you will give direction. You will point others toward God.

14) A candle attracts attention.
When you walk into a dark room, you will straight away notice the candle. It stands out. It's supposed to!
If you are a Christian, then you are supposed to be different! Not in a weird way but in a good way. If you want to make a difference, you have to be a little different.

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