28 June 2015

A Great God

(Lessons from Eve #5)
What does this story teach us about God?

1) God cares about our needs.
God cared about the fact that Adam was lonely and He provided a wife for him. God provided for all Adam and Eve's needs. He created a beautiful garden for them to live in with tons of different fruits and veges to eat. He made food look and taste good. He designed so many different kinds. He cared enough to warn them not to eat the forbidden fruit. And even after they had both sinned, He came looking for them.

2) God wants what's best for us because He loves us.
He tried to make them obey, so all would be well. The Devil tried to make them disobey and get hurt, because he didn't care about them.
God is so good!

3) God sees everything.
Adam and Eve tried to hide and cover up what they had done. But it was a waste of time. We can't hide anything from God. Even if no one else sees or knows, God does. We can't fool God.

4) God has rules and consequences for breaking rules.
God's rules are like a fence to keep us safe and happy.
Our section is fully fenced because we are afraid of our little children wandering away and getting hurt. The fence is not to keep them from having fun! The fence is there to help them have fun safely.
God doesn't look the other way when we disobey. There are consequences!
5) God follows through on His punishments.
God keeps His Word, so we need to take warnings in the Bible seriously.

6) God is righteous and must punish sin.
A judge who let criminals go free wouldn't be a good judge. And so God wouldn't be a good God if He ignored sin.

7) God is merciful.
I am so thankful for this one!
After Adam and Eve had sinned, God gave the first promise of a Saviour. (Genesis 3:15) Because of all Jesus Christ has done, there is hope for us if we will turn to God, confess our sin to Him and put our trust in Jesus! Without Jesus and the sacrifice He made on the cross, there would be no hope.

These are only some of the characteristics of God. But is this how you think of God?

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